Saturday 15 January 2022

A very long hiatus

 Hello world!

It's been over three years since I've written anything really; I mean, I've written shopping lists and formal work documents, but you get the point.

I have not written anything of substance in so long, that even attempting to write feels strange.

And I hate that it does, because all my life, I've been good with words.

Up until now, if I wanted to express my thoughts and feelings, I would write about them. 

If I was confused, I would still write about it, trying to work myself through the maze that's my thoughts; and it would have worked.

These last few years though, words keep failing me.

I have had many thoughts and many, many, MANY feelings, but I have yet to express them properly.

With my thoughts tangled, and my feelings a complete mess, I try hard to find balance, yet failing miserably.

I am still me, and yet, I sometimes feel like a stand-in in someone else's life.

When do I begin to feel like me again? 

That's does not even make proper sense; or maybe it does, I am not sure.

Had I not been so out of practice, my thoughts would have been far more articulate, but, it is what it is.

Still confused, we march forward.

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